What is the Bin Bin Club?

Introducing Bin Bin's Bottle Club!
A monthly bottle hook up from the Bin Bin and Rule of Thirds beverage team. Whether you're new to sake or have loved it for years, we believe the best way to learn and appreciate this very special beverage is to live with it in your home. But of course, we also love natural wine! We encourage both ferments to have a place on the table. Our mission of championing "sake for natural wine lovers" reflects an intention to only spend time & money on drinking something delicious, simple & pure.
Each month you will receive two bottles -- either two bottles of sake or one bottle of sake one bottle of wine -- along with tasting notes, stories about the producers, and a breakdown of key production techniques to help you develop your sake & natural wine fluency.
The monthly subscription cost is $79 (shipping & delivery not included). You can cancel or pause at anytime, and will also have an option to switch back & forth between the two subscription offerings in your customer portal! Pickups in-store will happen on the first Thursday of the month, otherwise shipping & delivery options are available.
Please reach out if you have any questions! hello@binbinsake.com